Messy beginnings! Let's hope it will all become more clean and clear...
Nov 18th Accountability check!
[Prior drafting word count = 23,223 words]
Week 1 - 10,240 words
Week 2 - 11,513 words
Week 3 - 0 so far... It's been a busy working week. I hope I can catch up on the 4 missed days.
[Additional words in random chapters which might be used... 14,410 words]
I've not written much and I'm just trying to get as much down in words as possible at the moment.  However, have a read and do ask questions, offer comments and criticisms about characters, plot or anything else that bothers you in reading this!  Thank you in advance.
A frail shape of a boy lay illuminated by sharp lights. The crispness of their clothing catapulted staff past and between each other. Their gentle weaving, as if pointedly marking territory meant prostrate or fallen figures created the pivotal centres of radiance. Hubs of activity.
For many, buildings such as this one, represent many negatives; experiences encountered in cold surroundings, as well as symbolic perceptions of the dreaded hospital. Others feel strangely calm and at home each time they step foot into these medical arenas. 
Terence wondered if his grandson's senses would be subliminally sensitive to the surroundings; smell, temperature, brightness of lights through eyelids, noises of machines and people, conglomerating into a buzz; a beehive of activity?
On this Sunday, a brightness shone at the end of the wide walkway and groupings of people all appeared in similar states of distress. The nurse was alone but held a phone loosely in her hand, swiping and flicking with determined focus. 
            “Eva, did Shannon get hold of the next of kin for patient in bay 5? We really need to finish stage 2 and there’s no way we can do that without some parental or familial consent,” the shift nurse called from across the control station.
            “No, not yet. She’s still trying. We found a note in the boy’s backpack, but wasn’t very clear…also wet and smudged.  We worked out the numbers in the end though. She’s just gone to bay 6 to try again.  We’ll let you know.”
            “Thanks, Eva. But hang on. What do you mean a note? What kind of note? Do you have it? There’s still no official indication of who we should contact?  Oh man,” she muttered, as she twisted back to her computer and let her eyes close for a second.
            “It looks like it’s his grandfather. Can’t be sure, but same name and I’ve done a patient search. He’s there with matching records.”
            “Oh for heaven’s sake, how old is he? Is he mobile? How long is it going to take to get him here? Right, okay. No worries. Eva, I need you to take responsibility for this. You’ll have to tell Shannon she needs to report to you with all she knows so far. This could be a tricky one, Eva. Please keep me in the loop,” said the nurse. They pierced each other with eye contact. The request was important.
Eva paced back to bay 6 and took the slip of paper from Shannon’s hand. She held it up and squinted at the handwritten note that said: If I need help the best man is my Granda He knows  07814456890
written by Christina Francis-Gilbert

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