"Read to, for, with each other. Read alone. Read together. Read for enjoyment, work and social. Read wisely."
I am over the moon to have reached 500 followers on my IG account for Books @francisgilbert_bookclub . Thank you if you are following me there as well as using this site. I really appreciate it!
This month has included some steps forwards with regards to my overall writing productivity. Since starting some freelance work with The Independent Schools Podcast and Juliet Corbett Consulting, I've made use of Trello, which has helped put tasks and processes into order. I have set up my own Trello board with channels through which I'm tracking my planning, writing, editing, submitting, reading and reviewing. I'm also due to start playing around with another version very similar to Trello, called ClickUp next month. What platforms do you use to hold you accountable and keep you tracking what needs to be done and achievements you've completed?
Speaking of accountability...! I am also excited to have made connections with three other writers, met through The Deep Dive Workshop Series #DeepDivews coordinated and managed by Bianca Marais, Carly Watters and Cece Lyra ( @the_shit_about_writing ). This has been a fabulous experience and really worthwhile for me and my development. Each Tuesday, I've listened to great presentations about the writing craft and the publishing industry as well as a practical workshop and Q&A session at the end. Four of us have joined forces to help each other with beta-reading of excerpts of our WIPs (Works in Progress). I'm hoping that we can support each other and help encourage big leaps forwards with our writing goals.
My reading continues as a central focus and I'm finding review-writing and bookclub-chatting to be most useful in picking apart other author's writing and learning from their expertise. I have one novel left from my January BookPile which is a good one 'Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow' by Gabrielle Zevin. I see she will be touring Europe and the US in coming months, so I must get to this one soon. Plus, it was a Christmas present from one of my children! They like to see me using the gifts they've given me. From my February BookPile, I do still need to finish Passionate Nomad: The Life of Freya Stark by Jane Fletcher Geniesse, though I'm working with this biography text to help prepare online BookClub sessions to be offered as part of a Wine, Women and Words Retreat in Italy this coming September. Finally, Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and Time Castaways: The Mona Lisa Key by Liesl Shurtliff are also on that pile. 
Our International Festival at my children's Elementary school was a great success and we ran a United Kingdom stall with a plethora of flags, bunting, balloons, Cadburys chocs, Earl Grey tea, scones, jam and cream! 
Much love from,
Chrissy Francis-Gilbert

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