There's something about the colours of the sky that always offers me a pivot on which to place my thoughts and emotions. 
It's strange how a sunny day seems to have the connotations of happiness and a "good day", isn't it? That's not to say that everybody loves the heat and intensity of the sun in many parts of the world. Sometimes, it's just too hot for comfort! Take, for instance places like West Asia, where during the months of July and August in particular, the outside heat is intensely volcano-like. It can become so hot that you simply can't touch the exterior of buildings like metal doors for risk of burning yourself. My sons have found the numerous YouTube videos of eggs being fried on the pavements in Dubai hilarious. In Europe, the hotter summer seasonal months make living conditions a lot brighter and more holiday-like, though at the same time those conditions often make habitations (built to withstand cooler weather) uncomfortable for many. Yet, that blue of a clear sky is still yearned for, isn't it! 
We consider ourselves lucky for being able to replace the blue of the Arabian desert sky in Dubai, U.A.E., West Asia with the awesome colourful range of skies in Katy, Texas, North America. We're not going to be missing out on any blue. We did move in the months of summer though; as in the hottest months of the year on both sides of the move!
Another reason I decided to write about the sky today is because of its ability to basically give you a big hug and make everything in the world seem possible. Believe me. Go on, head outside right now and just stand looking up at the sky. It doesn't matter if it's the bluest of blue, a dun cloudy grey, mottled blue and white, even the black of night, I promise just a few minutes of absorbing that expanse of beautiful sky will energise you and give you that emotional support or boost you needed. 
When you travel or live overseas and away from your home base of family and friends, it really can be tough working out where your base is. Many of course say that wherever your own little family (I mean your closest family members like children and partners) lives is where your home is. It's taken me a few moves to accept that, especially in relation to living in rental or temporary accommodation. Is it worth putting up pictures, adding household features of your choice and making the space your own style? Yes. Yes, it truly is. My point here though is that your house, apartment, habitation space is good to customise so as to warm your heart in times of need, the family you live with surround you and offer you a "home" from home, but actually most people need even a little more than that. 
That's where the sky comes in! The same way my son and daughter love that the moon moves with you, the sky is very much the constant, whichever weather-worn clothes it may be wearing.
Therefore, let's encourage appreciation of the sky and its myriad tones and depths of cloud. If you're moving from one part of the world to the other, why not take a few pictures of that sky, rather than the buildings and favourite playgrounds (though perhaps you may wish to do that too?) that you'll be leaving behind. Then if you're flying somewhere new, you'll have a whole flight to admire and talk about the expanse of blue surrounding you before arriving in your new location, where that sky is waiting to welcome you. Let that sky help you acclimatise. Compare and contrast and enjoy!
Christina Francis-Gilbert

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