Leaving Dubai was difficult. After three years, we felt we weren't ready to leave. But my husband works for a company where these things happen. You get a call and several months later you're rebuilding your life on the other side of the world. This was made especially hard this time due to the fact we hadn't seen our families in two years due to COVID. It's funny how you somehow become numb to these emotions. 
Getting to the airport that day was a drama. We had so many bags that we needed three taxis to take us, and once we arrived at Dubai International, it was chaos. Lots of expats heading home for the summer. The drop-off was full of taxis, all looking the same. Where were our bags? Where were two of our children?! 
Looking back now, I don't really know how we got through this period. Dubai experienced a tough lockdown. We were stuck home, applying for police permits twice a week to leave for shopping or essentials only. For three months!  
There is so much more I could write about our experiences during this period, however we were lucky and perhaps my stories will be usefully shared elsewhere!
Look at that view from the top of the Burj Khalifa. We were definitely spoilt with our experiences there.

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